Gili Air, again – September 2019

My life in Gili Air has settled back on me like a cat finding its favourite place in the morning sun. It almost feels as though I never even left.

Obviously, there are some changes. The people are different. Some friends here are still the same. However, I have found myself making new, beautiful friends as well. Again, most of them are divers but there are a lot less French around me this time which means I understand a lot more of what’s going on. The French generally just speak French.

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Kind Words – Gili Air July 2018

Like everyone, I have my doubts about what the hell I’m doing and if what I’m doing is good or not.

I have these doubts more than you would think. These can be from little things wondering if I’m pretty enough (no one cares) or if I’m funny (I think I am so that’s fine) to more serious things. Wondering if I’m even a good yoga teacher, questioning relationships with people and questioning myself and my intentions.

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